Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are
wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar.
- Edward R. Murrow

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Swingin' in the rain, Part II

The saga continues ...

Another rainy, cold day in June in New England and we're out shooting nine in the golf league.

And, as usual, it was a disaster for me ... shot a 66. Damn.

Once again, I just couldn't get anything going. I just can't seem to stop lifting my head, which is killing my shots.

And the most frustrating thing is that I know exactly what I'm doing wrong and yet I keep doing it!

It got so bad that I actually threw a club ... well, I tossed it in the air. On the 15th hole, I had already taken five strokes and had only gone about 150 yards ... so I picked up the ball and took a snowman for the hole, which was double the par for the hole.

Just so, so, so, so frustrating.

What did I learn?
  1. I have got to stop lifting my head. I think what has happened is that I was concentrating so much on other things that I got into the very bad habit of lifting my head. Now that I realized this, though, I can start working on correcting it.
  2. I need to slow down in my swing, especially in my tee shots. My backswing is good, but I think I'm coming down too fast in my downswing. If I slow down more consistently, I think that will help.
  3. Gotta work on my aiming. Too many times I'm really surprised at where the ball goes. Everything feels good as I line up, but then the ball goes in the totally wrong direction. My irons don't seem to be slicing or hooking, my aim seems to be off because the ball is going straight ... just not where I want it to go.
I have my work cut out for me at the driving range for sure.

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