Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are
wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar.
- Edward R. Murrow

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Clemens plot thickens

So, according to this story on espn.com, Roger Clemens is unlikely to get an immunity deal when he testifies before Congress next month on this whole steroid mess.

Now, this doesn't mean he won't get such a deal, but thus far, it doesn't look like he will.

IMO, this latest development lends some credibility to Clemens' declaration that he didn't use steroids. I mean, he's got to know full well the consequences of lying under oath (it's a little thing called jail) and if he raises his right hand before Congress without an immunity deal, that could very well be his way of saying that he didn't do anything illegal.

That being said, let's flash forward to post-Congressional hearing and some evidence surfaces that proves unequivocally that Clemens did use steroids. One could see him pleading ignorance that he didn't know there was more to the shot his trainer was giving him than vitamin B-12 and the painkiller lidocaine.

Hmmmm ... isn't that what Barry Bonds kinda did with the "clear and the cream" defense? As if Clemens, an avid trainer, really wouldn't know what was being injected into his body.

Man, this is going to just get better and better.

1 comment:

kgibbons said...

Barry bonds used up all of my tolerance for the steroids debate. MLB brought this on itself, there's no way of knowing who did what, or when, and it's pointless to dig it all. MLB should throw blanket amnesty out there for anyone who did 'roids in the past, and institute mandatory weekly testing. Anyone caught using is banned for 1 season. Will MLB ever get it right. Prob not. I'm just tired of hearing Roger's dumb voice